Indo-Norwegian International Online Conference on
“Functional mAterials for eneRgy, environment And biOmedical applicatioNs"


02 - 04, February 2022

Conference Organizers

University of Oslo (UiO)

With 6000 staff, 27,000 students and 4 Nobel Laureates, Laureates, the University University of Oslo is the leading leading institution institution of research research and higher education education in Norway. Founded Founded in 1811, it is Norway's oldest and largest University, offering world‐class research research and learning. learning. UiO currently currently has 8 National National Centres Centres of Excellence Excellence and a strategic strategic focus on interdisciplinary interdisciplinary research research in the field of energy and life sciences. Official Website

Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)

Founded Founded in 1948, IFE is an international international research research institute institute for energy and nuclear nuclear technology technology. IFE’s mandate mandate is to undertake undertake research research and development, development, on an ideal basis and for the benefit of society, within the energy and petroleum petroleum sector, and to carry out assignments assignments in the field of nuclear nuclear technology technology for the nation. Official Website

Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU)

Established in 1966, Madurai Kamaraj University is governed by Acts, Statutes, Ordinances and State Regulations. In 2007 the University attained the status of University with Potential for Excellence. Doctoral degree awarded to more than 400 research scholars annually. Official Website


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